var DIC = [];DIC['LOC'] = 'en';DIC['Save'] = 'Save'; DIC['Open'] = 'Open'; DIC['Update'] = 'Update'; DIC['AddRecord'] = 'Add Record'; DIC['nav_Contents'] = 'Content'; DIC['nav_Participants'] = 'PARTICIPANTS'; DIC['nav_ManageEvents'] = 'Manage Events'; DIC['NewRecord'] = 'New record'; DIC['Editing'] = 'Editing'; DIC['Page'] = 'Page'; DIC['Record'] = 'Record'; DIC['Title'] = 'Title'; DIC['Author'] = 'Author'; DIC['Created'] = 'Created'; DIC['Rows'] = 'Rows'; DIC['Show'] = 'Show'; DIC['Delete'] = 'Delete'; DIC['Activate'] = 'Activate'; DIC['Deactivate'] = 'Deactivate'; DIC['SelectedRecords'] = 'Selected records'; DIC['MenuBasicSettings'] = 'Basic settings'; DIC['MenuTemplateSettings'] = 'Template settings'; DIC['MenuRegisterForm'] = 'Register form settings'; DIC['MenuImportParticipants'] = 'Import participants'; DIC['Cancel'] = 'Cancel'; DIC['CloneEvent'] = 'Clone event'; DIC['CloneEventInfo'] = 'Check if you want to create a copy of an existing event.'; DIC['Select'] = 'Select'; DIC['EventToClone'] = 'Event to clone'; DIC['FinishRegistration'] = 'Finish registration'; DIC['FinishRegistrationInfo'] = 'Check this box if you want to stop registration'; DIC['OpenRegistration'] = 'Open registration'; DIC['OpenRegistrationInfo'] = 'Check if you want this event public for registration'; DIC['AdminEventTitle'] = 'Internal event title'; DIC['PublicEventTitle'] = 'Frontend event title'; DIC['EventSubtitle'] = 'Event subtitle'; DIC['EventAlias'] = 'Event URL alias'; DIC['EventLocalization'] = 'Event localization'; DIC['EventSenderEmail'] = 'Event sender email'; DIC['EventSenderName'] = 'Event sender name'; DIC['EventSenderEmailInfo'] = 'Email, which will be featured as the sender for all email communication within the event'; DIC['EventSenderNameInfo'] = 'Sender's name, which will be featured as the sender for all email communication within the event'; DIC['OtherSettings'] = 'Other settings'; DIC['nav_ContentStructure'] = 'CONTENT STRUCTURE'; DIC['nav_ContentPages'] = 'Content pages'; DIC['nav_MainSettings'] = 'Main settings'; DIC['nav_SystemSettings'] = 'System settings'; DIC['Categories'] = 'Categories'; DIC['NewCaterory'] = 'New caterory'; DIC['GeneralSettings'] = 'General settings'; DIC['Contents'] = 'Contents'; DIC['GeoLoc'] = 'Geo location'; DIC['PageAlias'] = 'Page alias'; DIC['PageAliasInfo'] = 'Name that will be used in the URL of the page'; DIC['LangLocalization'] = 'Language localization'; DIC['Template'] = 'Template'; DIC['PageTitle'] = 'Page Title'; DIC['MenuTitle'] = 'Menu Title'; DIC['AdminTitle'] = 'Administration Title'; DIC['PageTitleInfo'] = 'Title to be used in the page title'; DIC['MenuTitleInfo'] = 'This name will be listed in the menu item on the website and administration'; DIC['SelectTemplate'] = 'Select template'; DIC['ParentCategory'] = 'Parent category'; DIC['RootCategory'] = 'Root category'; DIC['RestoreArticle'] = 'Restore article'; DIC['ContentFromLang'] = 'Load content from: '; DIC['Content'] = 'Content'; DIC['RemoveGeo'] = 'Remove geographic data'; DIC['RemoveGeoInfo'] = 'It will remove all address information'; DIC['SeachAddressInfo'] = 'Enter an address (or part) and click on "search address"'; DIC['GetAddressButton'] = 'Check the address and get coordinates'; DIC['Address'] = 'Address'; DIC['Coordinates'] = 'Coordinates LAT/LNG'; DIC['Street'] = 'Street'; DIC['City'] = 'City'; DIC['AdditionalAddressInfo'] = 'Additional address information'; DIC['ZipCode'] = 'Zip code'; DIC['SectionUID'] = 'Section UID'; DIC['PublishSettings'] = 'Publish settings'; DIC['Images'] = 'Images'; DIC['Files'] = 'Files'; DIC['ArticleImages'] = 'Article Images'; DIC['ArticleFiles'] = 'Article Files'; DIC['UploadImages'] = 'Upload Images'; DIC['UploadFiles'] = 'Upload Files'; DIC['SelectFromExisting'] = 'Select from existing'; DIC['SetPublishStart'] = 'SetPublish start'; DIC['Set'] = 'Set'; DIC['SetExpiration'] = 'Set expiration'; DIC['SetPublishDate'] = 'Set publish start date '; DIC['SetExpirationDate'] = 'Set expiration date'; DIC['EditImage'] = 'Edit Image'; DIC['ImageName'] = 'Image name'; DIC['FullDescription'] = 'Full description'; DIC['Tags'] = 'Tags'; DIC['Source'] = 'Source'; DIC['SaveClose'] = 'Save & close'; DIC['LangForEdit'] = 'Editing language'; DIC['EditInLang'] = 'Edit in language'; DIC['Uploading'] = 'Uploading'; DIC['AllowedFormats'] = 'Allowed formats'; DIC['Close'] = 'Close'; DIC['MaxFilesInBatch'] = 'the maximum number of files in one batch is'; DIC['SeparateByComma'] = 'Separate by comma'; DIC['ClearQueue'] = 'Clear queue'; DIC['Upload'] = 'Upload'; DIC['FileName'] = 'File name'; DIC['EditFile'] = 'Edit file'; DIC['FileNameOrigin'] = 'File name origin'; DIC['Public'] = 'Public'; DIC['Phone'] = 'Phone number'; DIC['Password'] = 'Password'; DIC['RepeatPassword'] = 'Repeat password'; DIC['Rights'] = 'Rights'; DIC['RepeatPasswordInfo'] = 'Re-enter the password. Both values must match'; DIC['Username'] = 'Username'; DIC['UsernameInfo'] = 'Enter the login name of the user'; DIC['EnterFullname'] = 'Enter first and last name'; DIC['ContactInfo'] = 'Contact Information'; DIC['Name'] = 'Name'; DIC['FullName'] = 'Fullname'; DIC['Administrators'] = 'Administrators'; DIC['Administrator'] = 'Administrator'; DIC['NewAdministrator'] = 'New administrator'; DIC['EditAdministrator'] = 'Edit administrator'; DIC['AdministratorsList'] = 'Administrators list'; DIC['AdministratorsRights'] = 'Administrators rights'; DIC['Translations'] = 'Translations'; DIC['Help'] = 'Help'; DIC['NoResultsFound'] = 'No Results Found'; DIC['WrapAll'] = 'Wrap All'; DIC['UnwrapAll'] = 'Unwrap All'; DIC['Subcategory'] = 'subcategory'; DIC['NewContentPage'] = 'New content page'; DIC['Sorting'] = 'Sorting'; DIC['ArticleName'] = 'Article name'; DIC['Search'] = 'Search'; DIC['LoggedUser'] = 'Logged User'; DIC['LoginPlease'] = 'Login please'; DIC['Logout'] = 'Logout'; DIC['ListOfTerms'] = 'List of terms'; DIC['SelectedTerm'] = 'Selected term'; DIC['Occupancy'] = 'Occupancy'; DIC['Availability'] = 'Availability'; DIC['Term'] = 'Term'; DIC['Yes'] = 'YES'; DIC['No'] = 'NO'; DIC['Active'] = 'Active'; DIC['TermIsFull'] = 'This term is occupied'; DIC['Remain'] = 'remain'; DIC['SelectTermInfo'] = 'Each participant can attend the event only one term. After the first saving will not be able to change your chosen dates. Each term has a limited capacity.'; DIC['CloseAll'] = 'close all'; DIC['ClickToClose'] = 'Click to close'; DIC['UsedItems'] = 'Used items'; DIC['ItemsAvailable'] = 'Items available'; DIC['FormSeparators'] = 'Form separators'; DIC['ForcedConfirmation'] = 'Forced confirmation'; DIC['ExtendSettings'] = 'Extend settings'; DIC['SeniorSubordinate'] = 'Senior / subordinate'; DIC['EventTermSettings'] = 'Event term settings'; DIC['EventTermInfo'] = 'For this feature functionality you need at least one term with a minimum of 1 participant'; DIC['ActivateTerms'] = 'Activate event terms'; DIC['Change'] = 'Change'; DIC['Time'] = 'Time'; DIC['NumOfParticipants'] = 'Number of participants'; DIC['AddTerm'] = 'Add term'; DIC['Occupied'] = 'Occupied'; DIC['Available'] = 'Available'; DIC['Date'] = 'Date'; DIC['Total'] = 'Total'; DIC['ActivateForcedConfirmation'] = 'Activate forced confirmation'; DIC['EmailService'] = 'Email Service'; DIC['LockUnlockFields'] = 'Lock / unlock fields'; DIC['AllRecords'] = 'All records'; DIC['Filter'] = 'Filter'; DIC['Participants'] = 'Participants'; DIC['LockFields'] = 'Lock fields'; DIC['UnlockFields'] = 'Unlock fields'; DIC['Language'] = 'Language'; DIC['TotalSelected'] = 'Total selected'; DIC['SelectEmailTemplate'] = 'Select email template'; DIC['SaveTemplate'] = 'Save Template'; DIC['SendLoginDetails'] = 'Attach login details'; DIC['SaveForAdditionalUse'] = 'Save for additional use'; DIC['SendInLogin'] = 'Send including login details'; DIC['SendCopy'] = 'Send copy'; DIC['SendCopyToEmailAddress'] = 'Send copy to email address'; DIC['SendProgress'] = 'Send progress'; DIC['EstimateTime'] = 'Estimate time'; DIC['RealTime'] = 'Real time'; DIC['CheckIfSendCopy'] = 'Check if you want to send a copy'; DIC['SendTest'] = 'Send test'; DIC['SendMessage'] = 'Send Message'; DIC['SaveAsTemplate'] = 'Save as template'; DIC['EnterYourMessageHere'] = 'Enter your message here'; DIC['EnterMessageSubjectHere'] = 'Enter message subject here'; DIC['MessageSubject'] = 'Message subject'; DIC['MessageContent'] = 'Message content'; DIC['SendersName'] = 'Senders name'; DIC['SendersEmail'] = 'Senders email'; DIC['WorkName'] = 'Work name'; DIC['ManagingEmailTemplates'] = 'Managing e-mail templates'; DIC['ImportParticipants'] = 'Import participants'; DIC['PasteDataFromExcel'] = 'Paste data from Excel'; DIC['Separator'] = 'Separator'; DIC['Tab'] = 'Tab'; DIC['Semicolon'] = 'Semicolon'; DIC['Comma'] = 'Comma'; DIC['CancelDataImport'] = 'Cancel data import'; DIC['SendDataForProcessing'] = 'Send data for processing'; DIC['ExistingDataOverwriteInfo'] = 'Existing data update <br /> Any existing data will be overwritten. In the case of already completed fields will be replaced or canceled'; DIC['UpdateExistingRecords'] = 'Update existing record'; DIC['StartImport'] = 'Start import'; DIC['CheckAndPair'] = 'check and pair imported items'; DIC['ImportResults'] = 'Import results'; DIC['GoTo'] = 'Go to'; DIC['RowNum'] = 'Row no.'; DIC['ImportCompleted'] = 'Import completed'; DIC['ImportInProgress'] = 'Import in progress'; DIC['NoDataForImport'] = 'No data for import was inserted'; DIC['notAssigned'] = 'not assigned'; DIC['TotalRows'] = 'Total rows'; DIC['NewRows'] = 'New rows'; DIC['UpdatedRows'] = 'Updated rows'; DIC['Erroneous'] = 'Erroneous'; DIC['SyntaxErrors'] = 'Syntax errors'; DIC['DuplicateErrors'] = 'Duplicate errors'; DIC['OverviewImportError'] = 'Overview import errors'; DIC['NotIdentified'] = 'Not Identified'; DIC['Remove'] = 'remove'; DIC['Edit'] = 'edit'; DIC['Back'] = 'back'; DIC['SelectAppropriateField'] = 'Select the appropriate field'; DIC['SyntaxError'] = 'SyntaxError'; DIC['EmailError'] = 'Email error'; DIC['SaveError'] = 'Save error'; DIC['ImportedTntoSystem'] = 'Imported into the system'; DIC['Duplicity'] = 'Duplicity'; DIC['UpdateError'] = 'Update error'; DIC['UpdatedByImport'] = 'Updated by import'; DIC['SelfRegistration'] = 'Self registration'; DIC['BuildEventStructureErrorInfo'] = 'Event structure build error'; DIC['TableForImportWasCreated'] = 'Table for import was created'; DIC['SomeFieldsAreNotFilled'] = 'Some fields aro not filled'; DIC['Gallery'] = 'Gallery'; DIC['TotalAddressElements'] = 'Total of address elements'; DIC['CanNotDefineAddress'] = 'In this position, can not define address'; DIC['PointerMoving'] = 'pointer is moving'; DIC['MovementWasTerminated'] = 'pointer movement was terminated'; DIC['ObtainCoordinates'] = 'Obtain the coordinates'; DIC['TransferDataToForm'] = 'Transfer data to a form'; DIC['CatchPointerInfo'] = 'Catch pointer and drag it to where you need a system looks up the address'; DIC['DragToMove'] = 'Drag here to move'; DIC['LogHistory'] = 'Log history'; DIC['NecessaryFillAllFields'] = 'It is necessary to fill in all fields'; DIC['SendMailErrorInfo'] = 'The subject, message or address are not set correctly'; DIC['CopySent'] = 'A copy has been sent'; DIC['TemplateSaved'] = 'Template has been saved'; DIC['Of'] = 'of'; DIC['SubjectContentError'] = 'Předmět nebo zpráva nejsou správně nastaveny'; DIC['TestSent'] = 'Test has been sent'; DIC['Sending'] = 'Sending'; DIC['SendingCompleted'] = 'Sending completed'; DIC['LoginSent'] = 'Login sent'; DIC['LastLogDate'] = 'Last login date'; DIC['ActiveParticipant'] = 'Active participant'; DIC['LoginNotSent'] = 'Login not sent'; DIC['ClickSeeDetails'] = 'Click icon for more details'; DIC['SelectedEventTerm'] = 'Selected event term'; DIC['CheckUncheck'] = 'Check/uncheck'; DIC['CheckTerms'] = 'Check if you want to work with dates'; DIC['FilesToDownload'] = 'Files to download'; DIC['Download'] = 'Download'; DIC['InactiveAdminAccount'] = 'Your account has not been activated or has been disabled. Contact your system administrator'; DIC['EnterEmail'] = 'Enter email'; DIC['DataSent'] = 'Data have been sent to your email'; DIC['AccountNotFound'] = 'Account not found'; DIC['LoggedIn'] = 'Logged in'; DIC['LoginFailed'] = 'Login failed'; DIC['SuccessfullyLoggedOut'] = 'Successfully logged out'; DIC['ShowHide'] = 'show / hide'; DIC['TextField'] = 'Text field'; DIC['TextArea'] = 'Text area'; DIC['SelectBox'] = 'Select box'; DIC['MultiCheckBox'] = 'Multi checkbox'; DIC['RadioButton'] = 'Radio button'; DIC['HiddenField'] = 'Hidden field'; DIC['CheckBox'] = 'Checkbox'; DIC['FieldType'] = 'Field type'; DIC['AdminFieldTitle'] = 'Admin field title'; DIC['AdminFieldTitleInfo'] = 'Administration Name - Identification description field within the administration. We recommend short and concise indications and there should be no duplication.'; DIC['TitleComment'] = 'Title comment'; DIC['FieldData'] = 'Field data'; DIC['FormFieldPreview'] = 'Form field preview'; DIC['SeparateBySemicolon'] = 'Separate by semicolon'; DIC['FieldSettings'] = 'Field settings'; DIC['FormFieldInfoReadOnlyInfo'] = 'Check this box if the value is read-only'; DIC['ReadOnly'] = 'Read only'; DIC['GlobalUse'] = 'Global use'; DIC['DatabaseIdentification'] = 'Database identification'; DIC['RequiredField'] = 'Required field'; DIC['DatabaseFieldNameInfo'] = 'This information will be used as column headings when exporting data. Based on the specified name, but should be short and clear.'; DIC['EditFormField'] = 'Edit form field'; DIC['ThisFieldIsHidden'] = 'This field is hidden'; DIC['PageNotification'] = 'Page notification'; DIC['NoSelectedRecords'] = 'No selected records'; DIC['PleaseWait'] = 'Please wait'; DIC['Ready'] = 'Ready'; DIC['SavedSuccessfully'] = 'Saved successfully'; DIC['HomePage'] = 'Home page'; DIC['RegisterForm'] = 'Register form'; DIC['EventProgram'] = 'Event program'; DIC['Photogallery'] = 'Photogallery'; DIC['Contacts'] = 'Contacts'; DIC['AllLanguages'] = 'all languages'; DIC['Reguired'] = ''; DIC['PleaseSelect'] = 'Please select'; DIC['Between'] = 'between'; DIC['And'] = 'and'; DIC['CharactersAllowed'] = 'characters allowed'; DIC['RequiredLength'] = 'Required length'; DIC['Characters'] = 'characters'; DIC['MinLength'] = 'Min length'; DIC['MaxLength'] = 'Max length'; DIC['MinNumIs'] = 'Min number is'; DIC['MaxNumIs'] = 'Max number is'; DIC['PleaseSelectAtLeast'] = 'Please select at least'; DIC['Eventualities'] = 'eventualities'; DIC['eventuality'] = 'eventuality'; DIC['FieldsNotMatch'] = 'Fields not match'; DIC['IncorrectFormat'] = 'Incorrect format'; DIC['OnlyNumbers'] = 'Only numbers'; DIC['SpecialCharactersNotAllowed'] = 'Special characters are not allowed'; DIC['OnlyLetters'] = 'Only letters'; DIC['EmailTaken'] = 'Email is already taken'; DIC['DuplicateData'] = 'Duplicate data'; DIC['IncorrectData'] = 'Incorrect data'; DIC['RecordMarkedDeleted'] = 'The record has been marked as "DELETED"'; DIC['RecordDeleted'] = 'Record has been deleted'; DIC['ConfirmDeleting'] = 'Are you sure you want to delete'; DIC['FormContainsErrors'] = 'Form contains errors'; DIC['SubmitForm'] = 'Submit form'; DIC['NotTranslated'] = 'Not translated'; DIC['Deleted'] = 'Deleted'; DIC['ShowMoreImages'] = 'Show more images'; DIC['LessImages'] = 'Less images'; DIC['ReadMore'] = 'Read more'; DIC['RecordNotMarkedDeleted'] = 'The record has not been marked as "DELETED"'; DIC['DeletefFalied'] = 'Record deleting failed'; DIC['LangCode'] = 'Language code'; DIC['BasicInformation'] = 'Basic information'; DIC['CreateNewEvent'] = 'CREATE NEW EVENT'; DIC['SelectEvent'] = 'SELECT EVENT'; DIC['ActualEvent'] = 'NOW EDITING'; DIC['IgnoreFirstLine'] = 'Ignore first line'; DIC['ForgotYourPassword'] = 'Forgot your password'; DIC['LocateOnMap'] = 'Locate on the map'; DIC['SendFormSuccessText'] = 'Thank you, data has been sent successfully.'; DIC['SendFormErrorText'] = 'When sending data error occurred.<br /> Please contact your system administrator. <a href="javascript:closeReport()">Close notice <a/>'; DIC['InvalidUrlAddress'] = 'URL address does not exist or is incorrect'; DIC['EmailAlreadyRegistered'] = 'This email is already registered'; DIC['AutoGenerateMessageInfo'] = 'This is an automatically generated message, do not reply to it.'; DIC['EventNameTitle'] = 'Event name'; DIC['RecapOfDataTitle'] = 'Recap entered data'; DIC['Lastname'] = 'Last name'; DIC['Firstname'] = 'First name'; DIC['Organization'] = 'Organization'; DIC['Country'] = 'Country'; DIC['strCode'] = 'en'; DIC['Home'] = 'Home'; DIC['SearchResults'] = 'Search results'; DIC['SearchTitle'] = 'Search'; DIC['EnterSearchTerm'] = 'Enter search term'; DIC['SearchResultTitle'] = 'Search results for'; DIC['ShowAll'] = 'Show All'; DIC['Videogallery'] = 'Videogallery'; DIC['CollectionContent'] = 'Collection content'; DIC['Price'] = 'Price'; DIC['Buy'] = 'Buy'; DIC['Map'] = 'Map'; DIC['PleaseSignIn'] = 'Please, sign in to'; DIC['CreateNewAccount'] = 'Create account'; DIC['LostYourPassword'] = 'Lost your password?'; DIC['SignIn'] = 'Sign In'; DIC['Email'] = 'Email'; DIC['ConfirmPassword'] = 'Confirm password'; DIC['ClickToRecover'] = 'Click here to recover'; DIC['WhyNeedAccount'] = 'Why do I need an account?'; DIC['NextStep'] = 'Next Step'; DIC['Submit'] = 'Submit'; DIC['ERR_001'] = 'This email already exists!'; DIC['ERR_002'] = 'Failed to create an account!'; DIC['ERR_003'] = 'When creating an account error occurred!'; DIC['ERR_004'] = 'Account was created, but failed to send information by email!'; DIC['MSG_001'] = 'The account has been successfully created'; DIC['ERR_000'] = 'Invalid email!'; DIC['ERR_005'] = 'Passwords do not match'; DIC['ERR_006'] = 'Enter your name and surname'; DIC['ERR_007'] = 'Enter your login details'; DIC['ERR_008'] = 'Login failed!'; DIC['MSG_002'] = 'Login successful'; DIC['ERR_009'] = 'Your account has not been activated or has been disabled. Contact your system administrator!'; DIC['Login'] = 'Login'; DIC['SignUp'] = 'Sign Up'; DIC['SignOut'] = 'Sign Out'; DIC['GoCheckout'] = 'Go to checkout'; DIC['Continue'] = 'Continue'; DIC['MemberSestion'] = 'Member section'; DIC['RegistrationTermsAccept'] = 'I accept the terms and conditions of this website'; DIC['AlreadyHaveAccount'] = 'Already have an account?'; DIC['ClickHereToSignIn'] = 'Click here to sign in.'; DIC['Processing'] = 'Processing'; DIC['UsefulLinks'] = 'Useful links'; DIC['FollowUs'] = 'Follow us'; DIC['AllRightsReserved'] = 'All rights reserved'; DIC['NewsletterFooterInfo'] = 'Sign up for our newsletter and you'll always have the latest information.'; DIC['nav_Dashboard'] = 'Dashboard'; DIC['nav_Members'] = 'MEMBERS'; DIC['nav_Banners'] = 'BANNERS'; DIC['nav_Contacts'] = 'Contacts'; DIC['FormErr_001'] = 'Enter email address'; DIC['FormErr_002'] = 'Enter a VALID email addres'; DIC['FormErr_003'] = 'Enter full name'; DIC['FormErr_004'] = 'Specify your request'; DIC['ForFastReply'] = 'For fast reply'; DIC['CalcInfo'] = 'Conversa sata amphitrite iussit sibi sed locum principio aliud. Divino opifex premuntur caesa addidit. Ut hanc sorbentur duae deerat. Diu terra. Tuti caecoque. Tanta di vis. Levius natus semina grandia caeleste ripis cetera levitate. Quia cingebant retinebat locum. Auroram campos. Exemit nitidis caeleste frigore formaeque aurea aliud ora orbe uno.'; DIC['Inquiry'] = 'Inquiry'; DIC['Item'] = 'Item'; DIC['Unit'] = 'Unit'; DIC['Subtotal'] = 'Subtotal'; DIC['Amount'] = 'Amount'; DIC['SendResultMsg'] = 'Thank you, we will contact you.'; DIC['Block_contactUs'] = 'Contact <strong>us</strong>'; DIC['Block_contactUsInfo'] = 'Contact us through our contact form. We'll call you back.'; DIC['QuestionRequest'] = 'Question / request'; DIC['Sent'] = 'Sent'; DIC['ShowCalculator'] = 'VIEW CALCULATOR'; DIC['MoreReferences'] = 'More References'; DIC['SelectedReferences'] = 'Selected <strong>references</strong>'; DIC['ReasonsTitle'] = '<strong>Reasons </strong>why use our services'; DIC['Reasons01'] = '<strong> Years </strong> of experience'; DIC['Reasons02'] = '<strong> Trained </strong> specialists'; DIC['More'] = 'More'; DIC['CalculateThePrice'] = 'Calculate the price'; DIC['Reasons03'] = '<strong>Low</strong> Rates'; DIC['Reasons04'] = '<strong>Satisfaction</strong> guaranteed'; DIC['Reasons05'] = '<strong>Speed</strong> and Flexibility'; DIC['Register'] = 'REGISTRATION'; DIC['NAV_HOME'] = 'HOME'; DIC['NAV_ABOUT'] = 'ABOUT PROJECT'; DIC['NAV_PROGRAM'] = 'PROGRAMM'; DIC['NAV_NEWS'] = 'NEWS'; DIC['NAV_REGISTER'] = 'REGISTRATION'; DIC['NAV_INSPIRATION'] = 'INSPIRATION'; DIC['TECH_NEWS_TITLE'] = 'Technological innovations'; DIC['REGISTER_TITLE'] = 'REGISTER HERE'; DIC['INSPIRATION_TITLE'] = 'Be inspired'; DIC['PROGRAMM_TITLE'] = 'What you can look forward'; DIC['OUR_PARTNERS'] = 'OUR PARTNERS'; DIC['MoreInfromation'] = 'More information'; DIC['nav_Clients'] = ''; DIC['KeepMeLoggedIn'] = ''; DIC['PasswordRecovery'] = ''; DIC['EnterValidEmail'] = 'Enter a VALID e-mail'; DIC['EnterPassword'] = 'Enter your password'; DIC['Order'] = ''; DIC['TICKET_MainTitle'] = ''; DIC['TICKET_TicketPricePerOffer'] = ''; DIC['TICKET_OrderTicket'] = ''; DIC['TICKET_TicketPricePerPerson'] = ''; DIC['TICKET_SendOrder'] = ''; DIC['TICKET_SouhlasOP_2'] = ''; DIC['TICKET_SouhlasOP_1'] = ''; DIC['TICKET_StudentID'] = ''; DIC['TICKET_TicketType'] = ''; DIC['TICKET_SelectTicket'] = ''; DIC['TICKET_OrganizationName'] = ''; DIC['TICKET_FormTitleOrderData'] = ''; DIC['TICKET_TitleAttendies'] = ''; DIC['TICKET_Coupon'] = ''; DIC['TICKET_FormTitleCoupon'] = ''; DIC['TICKET_CountTickets'] = ''; DIC['TICKET_Total'] = ''; DIC['TICKET_ItemPrice'] = ''; DIC['TICKET_FormTitle'] = ''; DIC['IC'] = ''; DIC['DIC'] = ''; DIC['FormHasBeenSent'] = 'The form has been sent. Thank you.'; DIC['LoadData'] = 'Load data';